About Us

Metro-Broward Professional Firefighters Local 3080 is a proud member of the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF). The IAFF has a fascinating history, noble cause and provides unwavering service and support for Professional Firefighters throughout the country. (you can read more about the history of the IAFF by clicking here).

Metro-Broward Professional Firefighters Local 3080 was originally formed on January 16th, 1989 when several cities got together and united to form one large Local. Today, our Local currently represent over 750 Firefighters and Paramedics that protect and serve the residents and visitors of 11 Cities in Broward County. Those Cities include Coral Springs - servicing the City of Parkland, Lauderhill, Lighthouse Point, Margate - servicing the City of Coconut Creek - North Lauderdale, Oakland Park, Sunrise, and Tamarac.

Metro-Broward Local 3080 is operated by an Executive Board and Board of Trustees who report to the General Membership. The Executive Board consists of three Principal Officers - President, Executive Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer - and nine District Vice Presidents, one representing each of our 9 Districts. The Board of Trustees consists of three members that are elected from the General Membership to oversee the financial operations of the Local and its affiliated internal operations.

Metro Broward Professional Fire Fighters IAFF Local 3080 serves the following Cities:

City of Coral Springs / City of Parkland - District 11

The City of Coral Springs Fire-Rescue Department handles over 13,000 fire-rescue related emergencies each year. With over 150 members protecting the residents and visitors of Coral Springs and Parkland, District 11 is the largest District in Local 3080. With a strong passion for community involvement and political action, our members are committed to ensuring that the residents and visitors our our community are well protected.

For more information about  District 11, please contact e-mail: coralsprings@3080fire.com

City of Lauderhill - District 2

Our department consists of over 70 dedicated brother and sisters working to provide a high quality of fire rescue service to the residents and visitors of Lauderhill.

For more information on District 2, please contact e-mail: lauderhill@3080fire.com

City of Lighthouse Point - District 5

Our department is made up of approximately 26 members that are truly dedicated to the residents and visitors of Lighthouse Point. Our members have a strong committment to community involvement through a variety of public relations projects. For more information on the members of District 5, please contact  e-mail: lighthousepoint@3080fire.com

City of Margate 14

Our personnel's dedication to ensuring the safety of the residents of the cities of Margate and Coconut Creek has been evidenced in many ways. They work on a 24-hour shift schedule where they are away from their families from the start of the morning until the next day. There are a total of 3 shifts that rotate through the workweek to ensure minimum staffing at the 4 fire stations. Each member leaves behind a spouse, children, ailing parents or family pets to serve our cities. These same personnel leave their loved ones behind for several days or weeks at a time when a hurricane or other large scale event impacts our community.

Each shift is managed by a battalion chief who oversees the day-to-day operation of his respective shift. There are 5 captains that work under the direction of each battalion chief to supervise personnel on and off emergency scenes. Each captain is placed in charge of a fire engine or quint ("ladder truck"). In addition, the captain is placed in charge at each of the five fire stations.

There are also 18 lieutenants within our organization. They directly supervise a rescue crew during emergency medical calls for service. In addition, there are 15 driver-engineers that operate firefighting vehicles during a fire incident. With a total of 66 employees, our firefighters comprise the largest group of shift personnel. Every one of our personnel is cross-trained as a Certified Firefighter and either an Emergency Medical Technician or Paramedic. 98% of our emergency services providers are certified paramedics, which is the highest level of out-of-hospital care. All of these levels report to their respective shift lieutenants.

For more information on our District 14, please contact e-mail: margate@3080fire.com.

City of North Lauderdale - District 7

North Lauderdale Fire Rescue added a second station ( Bailey Rd just west of State Rd. 7) and increased its personnel to 42 sworn firefighters of which 39 are also, dual certified Paramedics. The remaining 3 firefighters are dual certified EMT's.

With the addition of the fire station and added personnel, new vehicles and equipment were also needed. These new purchases upgraded the City's fleet of Fire/Rescue vehicles to one of the newest in the County. 

The North Lauderdale Fire/Rescue Department continues to strive to meet new ways of serving the public and leads the way in finding new and improved ways of providing a lifeline to the community.

For more information on District 7, please contacte-mail: northlauderdale@3080fire.com

City of Oakland Park - District 9

The Oakland Park Fire Rescue Department provides fire suppression and advanced life support emergency medical services to the City of Oakland Park and, through an interlocal agreement, to certain adjacent unincorporated areas. Specialty services such as hazardous materials and technical rescue are provided through regional teams available through a countywide mutual aid system. The total coverage area is approximately nine (9) square miles with a residential population of more than 42,000. Approximately twenty percent (20%) of the coverage area is zoned commercial or industrial with the remainder being single- or multi-family residential. Interstate 95 and two (2) major railroad lines (FEC and CSX) pass through the department's service area.

The department responds to approximately 8,000 calls per year, nearly 80% of these are EMS calls. The initial dispatch to a residential structure fire is two (2) Engine, one (1) Ladder Truck, two (2) Rescues and the Battalion Chief. A third rescue unit is dispatched to a commercial structure fire. Additional response units are available through the countywide mutual aid system. Dispatch services are provided to the department by Broward County Fire Rescue. The department shares a dispatch channel with three neighboring communities. Tactical channels are used for major operations.

The department is under the direction of the Fire Chief and is comprised of a total of 70 personnel organized into three (3) major divisions, the Operations Division, the Administration Division, and the Fire Prevention Division.

If more information on our District 9, please contact  e-mail: oaklandpark@3080fire.com

City of Sunrise - District  3

The City of Sunrise Fire-Rescue Department handles over 11,500 fire-rescue related emergencies each year. District 3 has over 140 members and protects over 90,000 residents – not including the thousands of visitors each and everyday shopping at the Sawgrass Mills Mall which is the second largest tourist attraction in Florida next to Disney World. With a strong passion for community involvement and political action, our members are committed to ensuring that the residents and visitors our community are well protected.

For more information about our District 3, please contact  e-mail: sunrise@3080fire.com

City of Tamarac - District 4

Tamarac Fire Rescue has been serving our Community since 1975. We pride ourselves on providing high quality fire and emergency medical services to our residents, businesses and visitors Responding to emergencies and remaining proficient with the skills required to prevent and suppress fires, deliver emergency medical care, and educate members of our Community in health and safety issues requires constant vigilance and training.

The members of our career department are highly trained and dedicated individuals with the ability to provide assistance in a variety of emergency and non-emergency situations. Our members include three fire safety inspectors who are also State certified firefighters. We are extremely proud that 90% of our firefighters also hold Paramedic certifications and the remaining 10% are Emergency Medical Technicians.

For more information about our District 4, please contact  e-mail: tamarac@3080fire.com.

City Of Coconut Creek District 16

Page Last Updated: Nov 12, 2023 (09:08:01)
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Metro-Broward Professional Fire Fighters

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